China's Warhol Gets Dirty
by Christina Larson, Foreign Policy, 08/04/2010
Artist's Pointed Critique Is Barred From Beijing
by David D’arcy, Wall Street Journal, 08/21/2008
New China New Art
by Richard Vine, published by PRESTEL, New York, 2008
Zhang Hongtu: The Art of Straddling Boundaries
by Jerome Silbergeld, Lin & Keng gallery, Taipei, Taiwan, 2007
Over the Boundaries: Recent Works by Zhang Hongtu
by Zhijian Qian, 2007
Encyclopedia of Asian American Artists
by Kara Kelley Hallmark, published by Greenwood Press, Connecticut, 2007
Asian Art History in the Twenty First Century
edited by Vishakha N. Desai, published by Sterling and Francine Art Institute, 2007
by Melissa Chiu, published by Charta, Milano, 2006
Art in Review, Zhang Hongtu
by Holland cotter, New York Times, 04/29/2005
Through Ink and Brush, A Melding of Traditions
by Benjamin Genocchio, NY Times (NJ) 05/04/2003
The Forgeries Are The Real Thing In This Exhibition
by Benjamin Genocchio, NY Times (NJ) 04/13/2003
Art Exhibition Offers New Perspectives on Familiar Works
by David Marcus, Princeton Alumni Weekly, 03/26/2003
A Landmark Retrospective Celebrates Chinese Artists Experiments
by Erik Eckholm, NY Times, New York 11/25/2002
Gendering the International
edited by Louiza Odysseos and Hakan Seckinelgin, published by Palgrave Macmillan, New York, 2002
James Hartithas’review on Zhang Hongtu’s new Shan Shui painting
“AJITA” exhibition at the Station, Houston, Texas, 2002
NY Art Imitates Queens Life
by Corey Takahashi, Newsday, New York, September 20, 2002
A Pluralist Exhibition in the Plural Borough
by Ken Johnson, New York Times, New York, August 23, 2002
Drawing on East and West
by Jennifer A. Weyburn, Yale-China Review, New Haven, Conneticut, 2002
Zhang Hongtu's Alternative History of Painting
by Jerome Silbergeld, Zhang Hongtu, an On-Going Painting Project, On-Going Publications, New York, 2000
Breaking Free, Flying High---Zhang Hongtu's Journey from Maoist to Modern Art
by Alexa Olesen,, December 1999.
TRANSIENCE Chinese Experimental Art at the End of the Twentieth Century
by Wu Hung, Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, 1999
Streetlife CHINA
by Michael Dutton, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom, 1998
Review of “Reflections Abroad: The Journey of Zhang Hongtu 1982-1996”
by Jonathan Goodman, ARTAsiaPacific, Number 15, Sydney, 1997
“Hong Kong 1997” – T-Shirt Designs by Zhang Hongtu
by Wu Hung, Public Culture, University of Chicago, Illinois, 1997
Reflections Abroad: The Journey of Zhang Hongtu, 1982-1996
by Judith A. Whitbeck, exhibition brochure, Anthony Giordano Gallery, New York, 1996
A Painter’s Images of Mao as Reflected in a Changing China
by Helen A. Harrison, The New York Times (LI), November 10, 1996
Shades of Mao
by Geremie R. Barme, M.E. Sharpe, New York, 1996
The Significance of a Bagel
by Lee Hui-Shu, the catalogue of Zhang Hongtu's exhibition at Hong Kong University of science and Technology, 1996
Art meets science in bold exhibition
by Denise Cheung, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong, May 9, 1996
Zhang Hongtu at The Bronx Museum of the Arts
by Jonathan Goodman, Asia-Pacific Sculpture News, Hong Kong, Winter 1996
Statements From The Chinese, After Tiananmen Square
by William Zimmer, The New York Times (CT), November 6, 1994
Mandate of Heaven
by Orville Schell, Simon & Schuster, 1994
Exhibition Review
by Alice Yang, Asian Art News, Hong Kong, March/April 1994
by Edward Lin, Transpacific, June 1994
Zhang Hongtu
by Lillian Zhu, Destiny (NYU) Asian Voices, Volume VII, 1994
Days with Art
by Arlene Raven, The Village Voice, October 5, 1993
Changing Cultures, the Immigration of Chinese Artists to the U.S.,
by Gail Levin, The Magazine for Contemporary Art, May/June 1992, Prague, Czech.
Asian Art News, September/October, Hong Kong, 1994
Once Again Long Live Chairman Mao
by Orville Schell, Atlantic Monthly, December 1992
Ambivalent Icons
by Jonathan Hay, Orientations, Hong Kong, July 1992
New Ghosts, Old Dreams
by Geremie Barme and Linda Jaivin, Random House, 1992
Chinese Works Bound and Unbound for Glory,
by Jerry Tallmer, N.Y. Post, May 10, 1991
Tiananmen show Gutted
by Luis H. Francia, The Village Voice, July 31, 1990
The New Chinese Painting 1949-1986
by Joan L. Cohen, Harry N. Abrams Inc., 1987